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Production Line Testing (PLT)

Production Line Testing for OEMs Production line testing is a compliance requirement which applies to all OEMs. This requirement is one that must be satisfied for both the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Production line testing requirements stipulate that quarterly reports must be sent to the EPAContinued

alternative fuels conversion
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Alternative Fuel Conversion

ECO has developed robust systems and tools to execute on light and heavy duty alternative fuel conversion system certification. Our team is well versed in the space of add-on and hybrid systems. Some of the key issues to consider for anyone looking to have their add-on conversion system EPA and CARB certified are listed here,Continued

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Marine Diesel

Regulatory Background For Marine Diesel The following background is provided by Dieselnet: Engine Categories. For the purpose of emission regulations, marine engines are divided into three categories based on displacement (swept volume) per cylinder, as shown in Table 1. Each of the categories represents a different engine technology. Categories 1 and 2 are further dividedContinued

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Marine Spark Ignited

EPA has determined that gasoline marine engines are one of the largest average contributors of HC emissions. Of all categories of nonroad engines, recreational marine engines contribute the second highest average level of HC exhaust emissions. Only small gasoline engines used in lawn and garden equipment emit higher levels on average. The following engines areContinued

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Non-road Spark Ignited

In order to comply with the requirements, engine manufacturers must follow strict testing procedures to demonstrate or certify that their engine or vehicle meets the engine emissions standards while operating in a specific service class (test cycle and weight restriction). An engine cannot be placed in a vehicle and operated outside its service class designation.Continued

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Non-road Diesel

Regulatory Background The following background is provided by DieselNET: The nonroad standards cover mobile nonroad diesel engines of all sizes used in a wide range of construction, agricultural and industrial equipment. The EPA definition of the nonroad engine is based on the principle of mobility/portability, and includes engines installed on (1) self-propelled equipment, (2) onContinued

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On-Highway Heavy Duty Diesel

Heavy-duty vehicles are defined as vehicles of GVWR (gross vehicle weight rating) of above 8,500 lbs in the federal jurisdiction and above 14,000 lbs in California (model year 1995 and later). Diesel engines used in heavy-duty vehicles are further divided into service classes by GVWR, as follows. Light heavy-duty diesel engines: 8,500 < LHDDE <Continued

California Innovative Technology Regulation

California Innovative Technology Regulation: What It Means For Hybrid OEM’s. HVIP has been an amazing program for the alternative fuels industry. The program is summed up nicely on the HVIP website as follows, “The California Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) is a unique and streamlined program to help speed theContinued

CARB Metal Fuel Tank Certification

The California Air Resources Board recently mailed out a very important notice. This news directly affects all small off-road engines and fuel tanks used on those engines and equipment. These important regulatory changes are briefly summarized below and are discussed in Mail-Out 15-01. ARB will require fuel tank permeation data or an evaporation component ExecutiveContinued