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A Diesel Free California?

State Senate members in California have called for almost $1 billion worth of cap-and-trade generated funds to be allocated toward clean vehicle placement and diesel retrofit and replacement projects. The full article from Fleets & Fuels is here, but here are the quick hits you should know:   Programs being targeted for boosted funding include:Continued

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Regulatory Compliance Audit

Audits Are A Good Thing In the world of business we often associate audits with bad things. However, for original equipment manufacturer’s (OEM’s) an audit is not only necessary, it can be a company and image saving risk management tool. Volkswagen, Fiat, GM and Daimler are just a few of the major brands out there underContinued

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Non-road Diesel

Regulatory Background The following background is provided by DieselNET: The nonroad standards cover mobile nonroad diesel engines of all sizes used in a wide range of construction, agricultural and industrial equipment. The EPA definition of the nonroad engine is based on the principle of mobility/portability, and includes engines installed on (1) self-propelled equipment, (2) onContinued

California Innovative Technology Regulation

California Innovative Technology Regulation: What It Means For Hybrid OEM’s. HVIP has been an amazing program for the alternative fuels industry. The program is summed up nicely on the HVIP website as follows, “The California Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) is a unique and streamlined program to help speed theContinued

CARB Metal Fuel Tank Certification

The California Air Resources Board recently mailed out a very important notice. This news directly affects all small off-road engines and fuel tanks used on those engines and equipment. These important regulatory changes are briefly summarized below and are discussed in Mail-Out 15-01. ARB will require fuel tank permeation data or an evaporation component ExecutiveContinued

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The EPA Engine Certification Framework

At ECO we provide the expertise and knowledge to make the process of engine certification efficient and effective. Our experts will lead you through the labyrinth of emissions regulations and provide you with a precise path of action, alleviating unnecessary legal and financial burdens. This is part one in a series of posts designed toContinued

Large Spark Ignited Engine Certification

Engine Certification Requirements The engine and equipment manufacturing industry face heavy regulation from two main government bodies. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Air Resource Board (ARB) both regulate emissions from mobile and stationary sources. Regulatory devices include extensive testing and application procedures in order to legally market and sell engines, equipmentContinued

Summary of EPA’s RICE Rule Amendments Reconsideration

Summary of EPA’s RICE Rule Amendments Reconsideration On January 14, 2013 the US EPA finalized amendments to their stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine (RICE) NESHAP subpart ZZZZ rule.   The amendments were finalized less than 120 days before the May 3, 2013 compliance date, which triggered sources to petition the EPA for compliance extensions.  The threeContinued

Airborne Toxic Control Measure Analysis

All portable engines having a maximum rated horsepower of 50 bhp and greater and fueled with diesel are subject to this regulation. The following portable engines are not subject to this regulation: Any engine used to propel mobile equipment or a motor vehicle Any portable engine using an alternative fuel; Dual-fuel diesel pilot engines thatContinued