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Marine Spark Ignited

EPA has determined that gasoline marine engines are one of the largest average contributors of HC emissions. Of all categories of nonroad engines, recreational marine engines contribute the second highest average level of HC exhaust emissions. Only small gasoline engines used in lawn and garden equipment emit higher levels on average. The following engines areContinued

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Non-road Spark Ignited

In order to comply with the requirements, engine manufacturers must follow strict testing procedures to demonstrate or certify that their engine or vehicle meets the engine emissions standards while operating in a specific service class (test cycle and weight restriction). An engine cannot be placed in a vehicle and operated outside its service class designation.Continued

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On-Highway Heavy Duty Diesel

Heavy-duty vehicles are defined as vehicles of GVWR (gross vehicle weight rating) of above 8,500 lbs in the federal jurisdiction and above 14,000 lbs in California (model year 1995 and later). Diesel engines used in heavy-duty vehicles are further divided into service classes by GVWR, as follows. Light heavy-duty diesel engines: 8,500 < LHDDE <Continued

Stationary Internal Combustion Engines Q&A

There are a few different options for spark ignited (SI) stationary engine compliance in accordance to 40 CFR Part 60 subpart JJJJ. The following options are mandatory for engine manufacturer certification: (a) All engines below 19kW (b) Gasoline engines between 19 kW and 100 kW (c) LPG rich burn engines between 19 kW and 130Continued

Airborne Toxic Control Measure Analysis

All portable engines having a maximum rated horsepower of 50 bhp and greater and fueled with diesel are subject to this regulation. The following portable engines are not subject to this regulation: Any engine used to propel mobile equipment or a motor vehicle Any portable engine using an alternative fuel; Dual-fuel diesel pilot engines thatContinued

EPA Diagnostic and Torque Broadcasting Requirements

§ 1045.110   How must my engines diagnose malfunctions? The following engine-diagnostic requirements apply for engines equipped with three-way catalysts and closed-loop control of air-fuel ratios: (a) Equip your engines with a diagnostic system . Equip each engine with a diagnostic system that will detect significant malfunctions in its emission control system using one of the following protocols:Continued