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Toyota to Build Electric/Hydrogen Power Plant in California

Toyota is a leading proponent of hydrogen fuels and hydrogen vehicle technology. They’re also the maker of the Mirai hydrogen-powered sedan. It’s easy to see why the Japanese company has major interest in the growth of a hydrogen refueling infrastructure.   They’re so committed to hydrogen, that they’ve just announced a major investment that willContinued

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Renewable Diesel Comes to California

Renewable diesel just experienced a major expansion in the state of California. Neste, a maker of “green” diesel, just inked a deal with four of California’s largest fuel distributors to bring their product to industrial end-users throughout the state. The full story is on NGT News, but here are the bullets:   Houston-based Neste USContinued

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CARB Fines ATV Manufacturer

Canadian off-road recreational vehicle manufacturer Bombardier has been fined by the California Air Resources Board. The full story is at, but here are the bullets: Bombardier was importing recreational vehicles that violated California law The California Air Resources Board was notified by a tip from the EPA Investigators discovered that the company was programmingContinued

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CARB Breaks Ground on New Testing Facility

The California Air Resources Board broke ground last Friday on its state-of-the-art Southern California headquarters. Located in Riverside, the 380,000 square foot location is slated to be among the world’s largest and most advanced vehicle emissions testing and research facilities. The full story is available at NGT News, but here are the bullets:   TheContinued

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Is diesel worse than it seems?

A recent study has found that “fuel-efficient” diesel cars actually create more CO2 during the lifetime of the car than equivalent gas-powered cars. Read the full report at Green Car Reports, but here are the ECO bullets for you:   Diesel cars make 1.6 tonnes more wells-to-wheels carbon emissions than do gasoline cars running E95,Continued

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Seaweed Could Become Viable Fuel Source

Don’t laugh yet. Seaweed’s viability as a legitimate fuel source has just increased substantially after the U.S. Department of Energy awarded $5.7 million to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for the development of technology for the mass production of seaweed for biofuels and biochemicals. Read the full story at Bio-Based World News, but here are theContinued

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How to certify your hybrid conversion system in CA

It’s no secret that California is on a mission to reduce GHG and NOx emissions. The state will eventually deploy fleets of zero and near-zero emission trucks and buses. However, that switch going to take awhile. In the meantime, the California Air Resources Board is pushing the development of hybrid engines to help accelerate clean technologies.Continued

alternative fuels conversion
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Alternative Fuel Conversion

ECO has developed robust systems and tools to execute on light and heavy duty alternative fuel conversion system certification. Our team is well versed in the space of add-on and hybrid systems. Some of the key issues to consider for anyone looking to have their add-on conversion system EPA and CARB certified are listed here,Continued

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Marine Diesel

Regulatory Background For Marine Diesel The following background is provided by Dieselnet: Engine Categories. For the purpose of emission regulations, marine engines are divided into three categories based on displacement (swept volume) per cylinder, as shown in Table 1. Each of the categories represents a different engine technology. Categories 1 and 2 are further dividedContinued