What Is ZEP Certification?

And do you need it?

Zero-Emission Powertrain Certification Regulation (ZEPCert)

The Zero-Emission Powertrain Certification Regulation (ZEPCert) is one of several programs the California Air Resources Board (CARB) has developed to help advance California’s transition to zero‑emission technologies.

ZEPCert was developed to support current and future advanced‑technology measures applicable to medium‑ and heavy‑duty vehicles, by helping ensure that zero‑emission technologies being deployed are able to meet the reliability and performance expectations of California fleets.

Who Needs ZEPCert

Zero-Emission Powertrain Manufacturers

Manufacturers of zero-emission powertrains are required to obtain ZEPCert. Zero-emission powertrains are defined as an all-electric or hydrogen fuel-cell powertrain assembly, which includes (if applicable):

  • the electric traction motor
  • system controller
  • generator
  • on-board charger
  • battery management system
  • thermal management systems
  • energy storage system (batteries, capacitors, andflywheels)
  • inverter, fuel-cell stack
  • the interface at which electrical power is converted to tractive mechanical power or vice-versa (in the case of a regenerative braking system)

HVIP Program Canidates

All vehicles eligible for HVIP are required to be certified at the vehicle level. ZEP Certification will be an additional requirement for all new HVIP vehicle eligible applications submitted to the California Air Resources Board on or after 1 January 2023, for all applicable zero-emission powertrains and the trucks and buses in which they are installed.

$ 0
CARB max penalty per engine / vehicle / chassis

What you need to obtain a ZEPCert

In order to apply for Zero-Emission Certification (ZEPCert), you’ll need to prepare the following items on the official CARB ZEP Certification checklist.

The manufacturer should follow CARB’s family naming conventions guideline and the Mail-out provided for Zero-Emission Powertrain (ZEP) naming that can be found in the chekc list link above. Manufacturers of new heavy-duty vehicles, which are subject to the greenhouse gas regulations, intending to pursue Enhanced Certification pathway rather than traditional GHG certification path way, are required to submit an Executive Order for the ZEP families deployed by their vehicle families

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