The EPA can exempt engines/equipment that you will use for research, investigations, studies, demonstrations, or training. This means that you can avoid engaging in a full certification process as you develop your engines. Obtaining test exemptions from the EPA will protect your company from costly fines. Establishing a positive relationship with the United States EPA will also set the stage for productive conversations as you move towards engine certification.
On The Road To Certification
We understand the hard work and effort you expend developing your products. Connecting with our team will ensure you avoid early stumbling blocks on your path to certification.ECO represents an ideal turnkey solution when it comes to securing EPA test exemptions. Our experienced staff maintain close contact with the United States EPA, and have an unparalleled level of access to agency staff. A simple intake sheet and quick conversation will propel you on your way to receiving the permission you need to legally engage in prototype development and gain early assessment by utilizing demonstration units prior to the completion of certification. Our staff are consistently engaged in this exercise and know the people, process and paperwork.

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Gain access to the United States market, and establish positive relationships with the regulatory agencies in the process.
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