Clean Truck Check Announcement
The Clean Truck Check started in January 2023 with the screening of vehicles for high emissions using roadside monitoring equipment. In July 2023, CARB staff plans to release updated guidance on the next phases of the program, including the owner/vehicle reporting and compliance fee payment requirements, as well as the periodic vehicle testing requirements. Currently, fleet reporting season and compliance fee payments are projected for the last quarter of 2023, with periodic testing requirements beginning in the 2024 timeframe. Please subscribe to the following link California Air Resources Board (govdelivery.com) to ensure you receive email notifications about these updates.
Also, please note that the Periodic Smoke Inspection Program (PSIP) is still in effect until periodic testing begins in the final phase of Clean Truck Check. This means that, currently, California vehicle fleets of two or more vehicles still must perform their annual PSIP inspections. Once the Clean Truck Check implements its periodic testing requirements, nearly all vehicles that operate in California will be required to undergo twice per year compliance testing and submit results to CARB. Please refer to the Fact Sheets page for additional information on these testing requirements.
If you have any questions regarding the program, please send an email to hdim@arb.ca.gov.
CARB Clean Truck Check (HD I/M) Team