let us help with your CARB‑eFILE needs

We can ensure your company navigates the new CARB eFile system and new system requirements with ease.

What Is CARB eFile?

“eFILE” is the new electronic document management system that has replaced “CARB DMS” on August 1, 2022. More information on what is CARB DMS here.

Since it’s launch on August 1 there have been some noted challenges by many manufacturers in the new eFILE system including overall complexity of the system and user account issues.

ECO Inc. are experts in the field of eFile certification document submissions and will be a large asset to any manufacturer in need of assistance with system transition process.

Application Submission Window Opens In


Who Is Required To Use eFILE?

Usage of the CARB eFILE is required for all manufacturers seeking certification of new mobile source categories of motor vehicles and engines:

  • Passenger cars
  • Light‑duty trucks
  • Medium‑duty vehicles
  • On‑road and off‑road motorcycles
  • All‑terrain vehicles
  • On‑road heavy‑duty engines and vehicles
  • Trailers
  •  Off‑road compression‑ignition engines
  • Aerodynamic devices
  • Zero‑emission powertrains
  • Small off‑road engines
  • Large spark‑ignition engines
  • Spark‑ignition marine engines

Obtaining An eFILE Account - For New And Existing Manufacturers

Anyone who previously used the CARB DMS system will need to apply for a new eFILE account. You can review the steps here to establish an account or reach out to us below and let us assist with the process from start to finish.


Manufacturers of new motor vehicles and engines must show compliance with the California emission requirements before they are legal for sale, use, or registration in the state. To show compliance, manufacturers must supply applications and supporting documents to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for certification of their vehicles and engines.

Traditionally, manufacturers have submitted these documents in paper format. They are reviewed by the certification staff and stored at CARB. To reduce the bulk of paper and facilitate the review of documents, CARB has introduced an electronic document management system (CARB DMS). It is an electronic system that allows manufacturers to send via the internet the certification documents to CARB. The CARB DMS collects the documents and routes them to staff for review. Manufacturers may track the progress of their certification and receive approval notification electronically.

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