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In our first Happy Hour webinar we sat down with three of our in-house experts and fielded your questions. No presentation, no agenda, just free flow answers to your questions. We plan on doing this again and look forward to answering your questions. Questions answered: • Round 2 Funding – does the manufacturer actually need the certificate in hand when applying for the CARB / CALStart funding? 
 • What does the process look like when you engage with an Engine Certification agency? 
 • What do you foresee as one of the biggest regulatory changes from the EPA in the next 12-18 months? 
 • How are penalties levied by EPA / CARB? 
 • How much does self-disclosure benefit your case? 
 • Can evaporative system component manufacturers received EPA certification based on in-house testing by the manufacturer? 
 • How many components must be tested to receive certification? 
 • Can you breakdown the difference between new vehicle and conversion certification?\


If you are a manufacturer with issues related to emissions compliance, contact us today to speak with our team of certification experts.