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At ECO we provide the expertise and knowledge to make the process of engine certification efficient and effective. Our experts will lead you through the labyrinth of emissions regulations and provide you with a precise path of action, alleviating unnecessary legal and financial burdens.

This is part one in a series of posts designed to give history and content to the engine certification process.


A Brief History

The United States Environmental Protection Agency is quite large, even by United States standards. They administer an incredible amount of government projects, programs and efforts. Generally speaking, their mission is to protect the environment. A quick look at the US EPA website gives us this explanation about the formation and purpose of the EPA.

“Born in the wake of elevated concern about environmental pollution, EPA was established on December 2, 1970 to consolidate in one agency a variety of federal research, monitoring, standard-setting and enforcement activities to ensure environmental protection. Since its inception, EPA has been working for a cleaner, healthier environment for the American people.”

The EPA received increased regulatory power over vehicle and stationary source emissions by the Clean Air Act of 1970. In 1990 many amendments to the 1970 regulations were hailed by the EPA Journal as, “An Environmental Milestone”,

“With the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the United States set a precedent for cost-effective environmental policy that will be followed around the world. Economic incentives are given prominence in a recent British White Paper on the environment, for example, and we can look for new policy directions in Britain and other countries.
Moreover, advanced pollution-control technologies, developed in the United States, will help to meet worldwide needs for environmental protection and cleanup, especially in the newly emerging (and heavily contaminated) democracies of Eastern and Central Europe. Last year, the Soviet Union announced its intention to purchase $1 billion in air pollution control equipment from the United States. The new Clean Air Act will stimulate further positive developments in environmental technology.”

-William K. Reilly, EPA Journal January/Febuary 1991

The EPA is committed to the idea of advanced pollution control for a long time. To this day we are still improving testing procedures and processes. ECO shares in the EPA commitment to clean air. That is why we have developed our service to allow for seamless interfacing between our consultants and EPA certification representatives.

We know it can be daunting to try and navigate a bureaucracy as large and complex as the EPA. As they have developed and changed over the years so has ECO. Our framework and tools have grownup right alongside the EPA. ECO has established relationships with certification representatives, legislators and policy makers. We are your conduit to a constructive experience with the EPA.